Neomedic Medical Plantilla Joomla 5 Joomla 4 y Joomla 3

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shoppingBag Ventas: 30


Creado: 14 ene 2021

Actualizado: 28 ene 2025

identificación: 155079

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Neomedic Medical Plantilla Joomla 5 Joomla 4 y Joomla 3 - Características Imagen 1Neomedic Medical Plantilla Joomla 5 Joomla 4 y Joomla 3 - Características Imagen 2Neomedic Medical Plantilla Joomla 5 Joomla 4 y Joomla 3 - Características Imagen 3

Lista de cambios

27/01/2025 -Joomla 4- 5 Version,T3 plugin, JT Content Slider, JT Testimonial,Smart Slider, Akeeba, Yendif Video Share, SP Simple Porfolio updated 17/10/2024 -Joomla 4- 5 Version, JT Testimonial updated. User reported minor bug fixed. 24/09/2024 -Joomla 4- 5 Version,T3 plugin, JT Content Slider, JT Testimonial updated 28/02/2024 -User reported medium screen menu scroll issue fixed 21/02/2024 -Joomla 4- 5 Version updated and Language Pack updated 09/02/2024 -User reported mobile menu scroll issue fixed 31/01/2024 -Joomla 4- 5 Version updated, Akeeba, Smart Slider, SP Simple Portfolio and AcyMailing updated 28/10/2023 -Joomla 5 Version added, Akeeba, Smart Slider and AcyMailing updated 26/06/2023 -Joomla 4, T3 Framework, Akeeba, Smart Slider and AcyMailing updated 04/02/2023 -Joomla 4, T3 Framework and AcyMailing updated 15/11/2022 -Joomla 4, T3 Framework and AcyMailing updated 02/11/2022 -Minor bug on Joomla 4 fixed. 31/10/2022
-Joomla 4 Version added, Joomla 3 Version ,T3 Framework and AcyMailing updated 05/06/2022
-Joomla 4 Version added, Joomla 3 Version ,T3 Framework and AcyMailing updated 16/11/2021 -Joomla Version , SP Simple Porfolio, Sidepanel JT1, PopUp JT, T3 Framework and AcyMailing updated 14/09/2021 -Joomla Version , SP Simple Porfolio, Sidepanel JT1 and AcyMailing updated 16/04/2021 -Joomla Version , SP Simple Porfolio and AcyMailing updated 05/03/2021 -Joomla Version and AcyMailing updated 01/03/2021 User reported bug fixed 09/02/2021 Joomla Version , Pop Up JT and AcyMailing updated

1 Reseñas de este producto

A very extensive and useful template adapted to Joomla version 4. Many options and positions for modules, easy to change colors and, most importantly for me, the template is not based on the SP Page Builder component, which in my opinion only makes work on the website more difficult and creates only problems. . Here we have pure Joomla without the unnecessary page editor. I recommend this template to everyone who has worked with Joomla 3 so far and does not want to switch to a template with a built-in SP Page Builder editor.
Thanks for choosing us we are glad to hear all this.

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Customer Support

4,9 /5
Support rating (65 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 61 4 2 3 0 2 1 1 1
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik
