Boîte de nuit - Modèle Joomla propre de boîte de nuit
og体育首页ONE - Aucune limite pour $12.40/mois

Développé par des professionnels, ce modèle est entièrement modifiable et très réactif. Il convient parfaitement aux boîtes de nuit et permet de promouvoir des événements.
6 Commentaires sur ce produit
great template...very easy to install and customize...great support too
Nice template, easy to customize. Parallax gives more movement to the site witch is very nice. I used it for events and there or many ways to show the events on this template. Scroll with the mouse in chrome was a problem in the beginning, also on Iphone viewing was not responsive at first sight. It was easy to fix.
Really easy too adapt to specific needs. Just overwrite the stock images and all the Lorum Ipsum text. It was up and running in a couple of days.
This review site is 'bribing' me to write more by showing underneath this form Consider adding another paragraph or two to get the max reward! but I've nothing more to add so I'm going to stop here.
I've used many templated before and this template certainly make my life easier!
Good theme with lots of interesting modules and elements. It was easy to change it for my project. There wasn't html source at this template but support helps with this problem.
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